07.03 02:40
45 Min
Ice Road Rescue
On some of the most dangerous roads in Europe, Thord and his team sacrifice their own safety to ensure the Norwegian mountains are as safe as possible for anybody travelling through. (Nat Geographic HD)
07.03 04:50
45 Min
Διάσωση στον Παγετό Κ6 Ε8
DIS0019372116,6785004,7 (National Geographic HD)
07.03 04:50
45 Min
Ice Road Rescue 6
High Roads, High Stakes ()
07.03 09:40
45 Min
Διάσωση στον Παγετό Κ7 Ε1
DIS0019372160,6970845,0 (National Geographic HD)
07.03 17:00
60 Min
Ice Road Rescue
On some of the most dangerous roads in Europe, Thord and his team sacrifice their own safety to ensure the Norwegian mountains are as safe as possible for anybody travelling through. (Nat Geographic HD)
08.03 02:40
45 Min
Ice Road Rescue
On some of the most dangerous roads in Europe, Thord and his team sacrifice their own safety to ensure the Norwegian mountains are as safe as possible for anybody travelling through. (Nat Geographic HD)
09.03 16:50
60 Min
Ice Road Rescue
Blizzard Battle S06 E04. Thord en Björn openen een nieuwe garage op de berg Hardangervidda. Björn gaat een vrachtwagen redden die voor chaos zorgt, maar door de chauffeur verliest hij zijn geduld en bijna ook zijn vingers... (NGC HD)
09.03 17:50
70 Min
Ice Road Rescue
Pressure Pile-Up S06 E05. Poolstormen zorgen voor temperaturen van -30, maar de helden van Ice Road riskeren desondanks hun leven om chauffeurs te redden. Jo Roger laat zien dat hij nog altijd de koning van het Noorden is. (NGC HD)
09.03 20:00
60 Min
Ice Road Rescue: Highway Havoc
(Ep 1:4/s7) Reality, Norge, 2024. (National Geographic HD (N))
09.03 20:00
60 Min
Ice Road Rescue: Vägkaos!
(Ep 1:4/s7) Reality, Norge, 2024. (National Geographic HD (S/F))