01.02 20:01
131 Min
Igra pobjednika
Unatoč mizernom budžetu, Billy Beane, glavni menadžer Oakland Athleticsa, želi izgraditi vrhunsku bejzbolsku momčad. (HBO HD)
01.02 20:01
131 Min
Oakland Athletics' general manager Billy Beane's job depends on the success of the baseball team made up of players picked with the help of a computer-generated analysis. (HBO HD)
02.02 11:00
132 Min
Igra pobjednika
Unatoč mizernom budžetu, Billy Beane, glavni menadžer Oakland Athleticsa, želi izgraditi vrhunsku bejzbolsku momčad. (HBO HD)
02.02 11:00
132 Min
Oakland Athletics' general manager Billy Beane's job depends on the success of the baseball team made up of players picked with the help of a computer-generated analysis. (HBO HD)