23.12 08:30
45 Min
Υπάρχει Τέλειος Φόνος; Κ4 Ε1
DIS0018832777,7320801,0 (Crime + Investigation)
23.12 08:30
45 Min
Imperfect Murder
David and Tonya Ford lived what appeared to be a normal life, until David was found shot in their home, with investigations uncovering strains in their marriage. (Crime & Invest.)
23.12 08:30
45 Min
Imperfect Murder 4
Ford ()
23.12 09:15
45 Min
Υπάρχει Τέλειος Φόνος; Κ4 Ε2
DIS0018832779,7320801,1 (Crime + Investigation)
23.12 09:15
45 Min
Imperfect Murder
In February 2017, the tragic case of Reagan Tokes, a 21-year-old Ohio State University student, unfolded when she was abducted, sexually assaulted, and murdered in Columbus, Ohio. (Crime & Invest.)
23.12 09:15
45 Min
Imperfect Murder 4
Tokes ()
23.12 09:30
45 Min
Imperfect Murder
Ford S04 E01. David Ford, een politieagent uit Lebanon in Kentucky, en zijn vrouw leken een normaal leven te leiden tot in februari 2009 een schokkende gebeurtenis plaatsvond. David werd doodgeschoten aangetroffen in hun huis. (Crime+Investigation)
23.12 10:00
45 Min
Imperfect Murder 4
Oxley ()
23.12 10:00
45 Min
Υπάρχει Τέλειος Φόνος; Κ4 Ε3
DIS0018832780,7320801,2 (Crime + Investigation)
23.12 10:00
45 Min
Imperfect Murder
When Ben Oxley was murdered in 2008, his ex-wife's involvement became a key development in the case - even being granted immunity despite her role in the killing. (Crime & Invest.)