29.01 08:25
140 Min
Grantchester II (3, 4)
(Nova Gold)
29.01 09:15
50 Min
Grantchester 5
Drama series - Ep. 6 (Epic Drama HD)
29.01 10:00
50 Min
Grantchester (6)
(Epic Drama HD)
29.01 10:00
50 Min
Grantchester 5, ep. 6. serija
Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
29.01 10:00
50 Min
Vikar Sidney Chambers i njegov nasljednik velečasni Will Davenport udružuju snage s inspektorom Geordiem Keatingom... (Epic Drama HD)
29.01 10:00
50 Min
When a body is found on Jesus Green, the trail of clues leads Will and Geordie to a oppressive convent where Will must finally confront his own demons. (Epic Drama HD)
29.01 10:00
50 Min
Grantchester bûnei
Angol Sorozatok (2020.), 50perc (EPIC Drama HD)
29.01 10:00
50 Min
Un cadavru este gasit pe o pasune. Indiciile ii trimit pe Will si Geordie spre o manastire cu un regim foarte strict, unde Will trebuie, in cele din urma, sa-si infrunte demonii proprii. - Sursa: media-press.tv (Epic Drama)
29.01 11:15
60 Min
Grantchester 3 (odc. 5)
Uciekając od kłopotów w Grantchester, Sidney trafia do obozu Romów, w którym obecnie mieszka Ronnie Maguire; wkrótce zostaje wciągnięty w sprawę morderstwa w tej społeczności. (Epic Drama HD)
29.01 13:55
125 Min
Grantchester II (5, 6)
(Nova Gold)