01.04 07:10
110 Min
DCI Adam Dalgliesh is sent to a nursing school to investigate the death of a student poisoned during a demonstration; after the death of another student, Dalgliesh's hunt for the murderer intensifies. (Epic Drama HD)
01.04 07:10
110 Min
Višeg inspektora Dalgliesha šalju u školu za medicinske sestre kako bi istražio smrt polaznice otrovane tijekom... (Epic Drama HD)
01.04 07:10
110 Min
Detectivul Dalgliesh
Detectivul Adam Dalgliesh vine la o scoala de asistente medicale, ca sa ancheteze moartea unei studente otravite in cursul unei demonstratii. Dupa ce moare inca o studenta, eforturile lui se intetesc. - Sursa: media-press.tv (Epic Drama)
01.04 07:10
110 Min
Dalgliesh (1)
(Epic Drama HD)
01.04 07:55
115 Min
Dalgliesh 2 (odc. 1)
Nastolatkowie przypadkiem znajdują ciało młodej kobiety. Dalgliesh i Miskin przybywają do Norfolk, by pomóc w śledztwie i zostają wciągnięci w sprawę dotyczącą innego morderstwa. (Epic Drama HD)
01.04 09:35
90 Min
A Shroud for a Nightingale (Epic Drama HD)
01.04 12:05
110 Min
DCI Adam Dalgliesh is sent to a nursing school to investigate the death of a student poisoned during a demonstration; after the death of another student, Dalgliesh's hunt for the murderer intensifies. (Epic Drama HD)
01.04 12:05
110 Min
Detectivul Dalgliesh
Detectivul Adam Dalgliesh vine la o scoala de asistente medicale, ca sa ancheteze moartea unei studente otravite in cursul unei demonstratii. Dupa ce moare inca o studenta, eforturile lui se intetesc. - Sursa: media-press.tv (Epic Drama)
01.04 12:05
110 Min
Višeg inspektora Dalgliesha šalju u školu za medicinske sestre kako bi istražio smrt polaznice otrovane tijekom... (Epic Drama HD)
01.04 12:05
110 Min
Dalgliesh (1)
(Epic Drama HD)