10.03 08:30
120 Min
Inspektor George Gently I (2)
A snow blizzard sets in and Miss Marple is forced to take refuge at Sittaford House; when the owner of the house is later found dead in his room, Miss Marple investigates the case. (Epic Drama HD)
10.03 11:30
105 Min
Inspektor George Gently, ep. 2. serija
Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
10.03 11:30
105 Min
Inspektor George Gently
Nakon što kraj RAF-ove baze 1964. pronađu neidentificirano i jako nagoreno tijelo, Gently surađuje sa službenicima... (Epic Drama HD)
10.03 11:30
105 Min
Inspektor George Gently (2)
(Epic Drama HD)
10.03 14:20
60 Min
Inspektor George Gently I (3)
A date at the cinema turns sour for Will when the projectionist is murdered during a screening, and a shadowy figure from Jack Chapman's past comes back to haunt him and Mrs C. (Epic Drama HD)
11.03 04:00
125 Min
Inspektor George Gently 5 (odc. 3)
Ustawa aborcyjna z 1967 roku nie została jeszcze wprowadzona w życie; Gently i Bacchus doświadczają zawiłości związanych z tym problemem, gdy adoptowane dziecko pewnej pary zostaje porwane. (Epic Drama HD)
11.03 04:35
100 Min
Inspektor George Gently (2)
(Epic Drama HD)
11.03 04:35
100 Min
Inspektor George Gently, ep. 2. serija
Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
11.03 04:35
100 Min
Inspektor George Gently
Nakon što kraj RAF-ove baze 1964. pronađu neidentificirano i jako nagoreno tijelo, Gently surađuje sa službenicima... (Epic Drama HD)
11.03 04:35
100 Min
Inspector George Gently
After an unidentified and badly-burnt body is found near an RAF base in 1964, Gently works alongside Special Branch officers who suspect that the victim was involved with the IRA. (Epic Drama HD)
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