04.07 20:02
94 Min
Krimi matineja: Inspektor George Gently (4), serija (12) (1/2) (R)
05.07 03:10
110 Min
Inspector George Gently
When the beaten body of a wealthy German businessman is discovered in a harbour, Gently and Bacchus are forced to consider whether a barman's anti-German sentiments are a motive for murder. (Epic Drama HD)
05.07 03:10
110 Min
Inspektor George Gently (3)
(Epic Drama HD)
05.07 03:10
110 Min
Inspektor George Gently, ep. 3. serija
Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
05.07 03:10
110 Min
Inspektor George Gently
Viši inspektor George Gently, policajac sa snažnim osjećajem za pravdu, rješava zločine među dramatičnim brdima i... (Epic Drama HD)
05.07 03:10
110 Min
Inspektor George Gently I (3)
Jasná noc. (Epic Drama HD)
05.07 08:40
90 Min
Inspektor George Gently 3, ep. 1. serija
INSPECTOR GEORGE GENTLY III Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
05.07 08:40
90 Min
Inspektor George Gently (1)
(Epic Drama HD)
05.07 08:40
90 Min
Inspektor George Gently
Kada u priobalnom selu pronađu tijelo mlade žene, istraga o njezinoj smrti navodi Gentlyja i Bacchusa da posumnjaju... (Epic Drama HD)
05.07 08:40
90 Min
Inspector George Gently
When a young woman's body is found in a coastal village, the investigation into her death leads Gently and Bacchus to suspect that the victim's estranged husband is responsible for the killing. (Epic Drama HD)
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