04.07 22:40
90 Min
Un florilège d'extraits musicaux, une façon différente et extrêmement variée de découvrir la musique, les interprètes et les orchestres. ()
05.07 01:16
7 Min
Giacomo Puccini: Manon Lescaut Intermezzo z 3. dějství
Hrají Berlínští filharmonikové, řídí Herbert von Karajan. (CRo D-DUR)
05.07 02:54
6 Min
Pietro Mascagni: Sedlák kavalír. Opera o jednom dějství Intermezzo
Hraje Orchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, řídí Tullio Serafin. (CRo D-DUR)
05.07 04:45
45 Min
Magazyn muzyczny oferujący widzom przerwę w codziennych obowiązkach i chwilę relaksu w akompaniamencie utworów najlepszych światowych kompozytorów. (Mezzo TV)
05.07 04:49
41 Min
Musical interludes: a chance to see some of the world's most renowned conductors and musicians performing beautiful pieces. (Mezzo)
05.07 04:49
41 Min
Musical interludes: a chance to see some of the world's most renowned conductors and musicians performing beautiful pieces. (Mezzo)
05.07 08:28
32 Min
Musical interludes: a chance to see some of the world's most renowned conductors and musicians performing beautiful pieces. (Mezzo)
05.07 08:28
32 Min
Musical interludes: a chance to see some of the world's most renowned conductors and musicians performing beautiful pieces. (Mezzo)
05.07 11:40
50 Min
Musical interludes: a chance to see some of the world's most renowned conductors and musicians performing beautiful pieces. (Mezzo)
05.07 11:40
50 Min
Musical interludes: a chance to see some of the world's most renowned conductors and musicians performing beautiful pieces. (Mezzo)
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