13.03 18:00
60 Min
Truth About Murder With Sunny Hostin
Two teenagers are brutally attacked by a stranger in a park in Portland, Texas. Helped by the survivor, police desperately hunt for the callous killer. PREMIERE (ID HD)
14.03 03:00
60 Min
Truth About Murder With Sunny Hostin
Two teenagers are brutally attacked by a stranger in a park in Portland, Texas. Helped by the survivor, police desperately hunt for the callous killer. PREMIERE (ID HD)
14.03 10:00
60 Min
Truth About Murder With Sunny Hostin
Two teenagers are brutally attacked by a stranger in a park in Portland, Texas. Helped by the survivor, police desperately hunt for the callous killer. PREMIERE (ID HD)
14.03 10:00
60 Min
Istina o ubistvu: Sani Hostin
Dvoje tinejdžera brutalno je napao jedan stranac u parku u Portlandu u Teksasu. Uz pomoć preživele žrtve, policija je u očajničkoj potrazi za ubicom. PREMIERE. (ID)