20.10 16:00
60 Min
Lost Treasures of Egypt
Archaeologists study the mysterious pyramids that followed the Giza pyramids. They unearth tombs and chambers to uncover their beguiling story. (Nat Geographic HD)
20.10 16:00
60 Min
Izgubljena blaga Egipta
U Egiptu se nalaze neka od najvećih arheoloških blaga sveta. U ovom serijalu, kamere prate ekipe arheologa širom Egipta, tokom jedne sezone arheoloških iskopavanja. (National Geographic)
20.10 16:00
60 Min
Izgubljena blaga Egipta 4, ep. 5. Tajne izgubljenih piramida
Dokumentarni (National Geographic Channel.)
20.10 17:00
60 Min
Lost Treasures of Egypt
Archaeologists investigate Egypt's legendary pharaoh, Alexander the Great. Teams explore catacombs and temples for his legacy and his tomb. (Nat Geographic HD)
20.10 17:00
60 Min
Izgubljena blaga Egipta 4, ep. 6. Aleksandar Veliki
Dokumentarni (National Geographic Channel.)
20.10 17:00
60 Min
Izgubljena blaga Egipta
Arheolozi istražuju Aleksandra Makedonskog, legendarnog osvajača Egipta. Ekipe istražuju katakombe i hramove, tragajući za njegovim nasleđem i grobnicom. (National Geographic)
20.10 21:00
60 Min
Lost Treasures of Egypt
Archaeologists investigate the legends of Egypt's most famous queen - Cleopatra. In Saqqara, a team investigates a tomb with multiple mummies. (Nat Geographic HD)
20.10 21:00
60 Min
Izgubljena blaga Egipta 5, ep. 4. Legenda o Kleopatri
Dokumentarni (National Geographic Channel.)
20.10 21:00
60 Min
Izgubljena blaga Egipta
Arheolozi istražuju najslavniju kraljicu Egipta, Kleopatru. Oni istražuju veliku grobnicu punu mumija i otkrivaju ženu koja stoji iza mita. (National Geographic)
20.10 23:50
45 Min
Lost Treasures of Egypt
Archaeologists investigate the legends of Egypt's most famous queen - Cleopatra. In Saqqara, a team investigates a tomb with multiple mummies. (Nat Geographic HD)
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