02.03 11:00
60 Min
Izgubljena blaga Egipta
Arheolozi pronalaze dokaze o najmoćnijem kralju Egipta Ramzesu Drugom. Lavirint grobnica zakopanog blaga i ogromnih hramova otkiva važne tragove. (National Geographic)
02.03 11:00
60 Min
Izgubljena blaga Egipta 3, ep. 3.
Dokumentarni (National Geographic Channel.)
02.03 11:00
60 Min
Lost Treasures of Egypt
Archaeologists uncover evidence about Egypt's most powerful king, Ramses the Great. A maze of tombs, buried treasure, and temples reveal clues. (Nat Geographic HD)
02.03 12:00
60 Min
Izgubljena blaga Egipta
Arheolozi tragaju za razlogom povećanja broja mumifikacija i istražuju jednu od najstarijih mumija dosad pronađenih. (National Geographic)
02.03 12:00
60 Min
Izgubljena blaga Egipta 3, ep. 4.
Dokumentarni (National Geographic Channel.)
02.03 12:00
60 Min
Lost Treasures of Egypt
Archaeologists hunt for clues to the mysterious rise of mummification and investigate what could be one of the oldest mummies ever found. (Nat Geographic HD)