19.01 21:00
65 Min
The Lost World of Angkor Wat
Laser surveys lead the team to undiscovered jungle temples, ground-penetrating radar reveals how kings took new territory, and could a huge jungle pyramid expose the makings of a mysterious cult? (Viasat History HD)
19.01 21:00
65 Min
Izgubljeni svijet Angkor Wata, ep. 1.
The Lost World of Angkor Wat Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
19.01 21:00
65 Min
Izgubljeni svijet Angkor Wata
Lasersko skeniranje dovodi tim do neotkrivenih hramova u džungli, georadari otkrivaju kako su kraljevi zauzeli novi... (Viasat History HD)
19.01 22:05
60 Min
The Lost World of Angkor Wat
The team uses drones to explore one of the world's largest ancient water systems, and ancient weapons and traces of a colossal iron industry reveal the truth behind the power of the Khmer military. (Viasat History HD)
19.01 22:05
60 Min
Izgubljeni svijet Angkor Wata
Tim se služi dronovima kako bi istražio jedan od najvećih drevnih vodenih sustava na svijetu, a drevno oružje i... (Viasat History SD)