22.09 05:25
5 Min
Japan Time-Lapse Ainu
Ainu Patterns (NHK WORLD)
22.09 05:25
5 Min
Japan Time-Lapse Ainu: 6025-024
The Ainu: indigenous people of northern Japan. Time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke investigates various aspects of their culture and traditions - this time: Ainu Patterns. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
22.09 17:25
5 Min
Japan Time-Lapse Ainu
Ainu Patterns (NHK WORLD)
22.09 17:25
5 Min
Japan Time-Lapse Ainu: 6025-024
The Ainu: indigenous people of northern Japan. Time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke investigates various aspects of their culture and traditions - this time: Ainu Patterns. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
23.09 00:25
5 Min
Japan Time-Lapse Ainu
Ainu Patterns (NHK WORLD)
23.09 00:25
5 Min
Japan Time-Lapse Ainu: 6025-024
The Ainu: indigenous people of northern Japan. Time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke investigates various aspects of their culture and traditions - this time: Ainu Patterns. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
23.09 02:10
5 Min
Japan Time-Lapse Ainu
Ainu Boats (NHK WORLD)
23.09 02:10
5 Min
Japan Time-Lapse Ainu: 6025-023
The Ainu: indigenous people of northern Japan. Time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke investigates various aspects of their culture and traditions - this time: Ainu Boats. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
23.09 20:50
5 Min
Japan Time-Lapse Ainu
Ainu Boats (NHK WORLD)
23.09 20:50
5 Min
Japan Time-Lapse Ainu: 6025-023
The Ainu: indigenous people of northern Japan. Time-lapse creator Shimizu Daisuke investigates various aspects of their culture and traditions - this time: Ainu Boats. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
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