10.01 15:20
30 Min
Muziekprogramma. (VTM Gold)
10.01 16:40
130 Min
G.I. Joe - Megtorlás
A G.I. Joe-k most nem a halálos ellenségükkel, a Kobrával küzdenek, hanem szembe kell szállniuk egy a kormány berkein belülről jövő fenyegetéssel, amely a létüket veszélyezteti. (Mozi+)
10.01 16:40
130 Min
G.I. Joe - Megtorlás
Amerikai Kaland (2013.), 130perc (Mozi+)
10.01 17:30
30 Min
Drinking with Joe and Maya
(Ep 2:6/s1) Joe och Maya utforskar drycker, mat och kultur. (Godare)
10.01 20:00
145 Min
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
(16) Toiminta, Yhdysvallat, 2009. (JIM)
10.01 20:18
6 Min
Magiczny plac zabaw dziadka Joe: Zamek
(Baby TV)
10.01 20:18
6 Min
Grandpa Joe's Magical.
Join Grandpa Joe and friends to see the surprise they build with magical parts! See the parts and magical butterfly as they connect together to create a castle! Come along and play with Princess. (Baby TV)
10.01 20:18
6 Min
Grandpa Joe's Magical Playground
Анимация, Великобритания, 2015, Join Grandpa Joe and friends to see the surprise they build with magical parts! See the parts and magical butterfly as they connect together to create a castle! (Baby TV)
10.01 21:00
180 Min
Joe Party
10.01 21:16
6 Min
Magiczny plac zabaw dziadka Joe: Małpa
(Baby TV)