01.04 09:00
110 Min
A unfaithful wife plots with her lover to kill her husband, but the lover is accidentally killed instead. The husband stays in hiding and lets his wife be charged with conspiracy. (FilmBox Arthouse)
01.04 09:00
110 Min
Impact (1949)
Crime, drama, thriller, film noir, USA, 1949 (FilmBox Arthouse HD)
01.04 09:00
110 Min
Криминален, САЩ, 1949, After surviving a murder attempt, an auto magnate goes into hiding so his wife can pay for the crime. (FilmBox Arthouse)
01.04 10:00
110 Min
Impact (1949)
Crime, drama, thriller, film noir, USA, 1949 (FilmBox Arthouse HD)
01.04 11:00
60 Min
Impact global
Prezentatori : Constantin Uzdriş şi Mihai IsacProducător Vitalie Enache (TVR International)
02.04 17:25
30 Min
Serie A Full Impact
(Ep 30:40/s2025) Jalkapallo, Italia, 2024. (MTV Urheilu 2 HD)
02.04 18:00
30 Min
Serie A Full Impact 2024-25 Ε30
DIS0019668363 (COSMOTESport2HD)
02.04 18:00
30 Min
Serie A Full Impact 2024-25
Highlights - Ep. 30 (M3_TEST4)
02.04 19:00
40 Min
Full Impact Serie A
Program poświęcony Serie A TIM, jednej z najlepszych piłkarskich lig na świecie. (Eleven Sports 1 HD)
02.04 21:30
30 Min
Serie A Full Impact
(Ep 30:40/s2024) Fotboll, Italien, 2024. (TV4 Sportkanalen HD)