04.03 14:10
50 Min
Let's play Kids!
When we woke up nicely, it's the right time to play! The program invites you to play and sing with us! ()
04.03 14:10
50 Min
Let's Play Kids
Kids Program ()
04.03 15:00
60 Min
Rysujemy z 4FUN KIDS
(4Fun Kids)
04.03 15:10
170 Min
Take a break Kids!
Are you a little tired? We all go on a short break together, so that we can continue playing later. This is the right place for a short break. ()
04.03 15:10
170 Min
Take a Break Kids
Kids Program ()
04.03 15:40
20 Min
Kids Stories.
(Cine+ Kids)
04.03 16:00
120 Min
Lolly Kids Factor
Пътуване/Туризъм, Presenting a new artist on a daily basis with a view of the backstage and creative process. (Lolly Kids/ Ruskii hit)
04.03 16:00
30 Min
Παιδικό Πρόγραμμα
DIS0019514265 (Star Κεντρικής Ελλάδας)
04.03 16:00
60 Min
Kids lista
(4Fun Kids)
04.03 17:00
60 Min
Dzieciaki rządzą w 4FUN KIDS
(4Fun Kids)