22.11 07:30
45 Min
Kako je nastala Zemlja
Pustinja Atakama najsušnije je mesto na planeti. Otkako postoje zapisi o toj oblasti, u nekim mestima nikada nije bilo kiše. Tlo je toliko suvo da je korišćeno za probe rovera za Mars. (History 2)
22.11 07:30
45 Min
How the Earth Was Made
Large parts of the Atacama desert have remained unchanged for more than 23 million years. This episode explores one of the most inhospitable landscapes on Earth. (History 2.)
22.11 13:30
45 Min
How the Earth Was Made
Large parts of the Atacama desert have remained unchanged for more than 23 million years. This episode explores one of the most inhospitable landscapes on Earth. (History 2.)
22.11 19:30
45 Min
How the Earth Was Made
The origins of the remote Hawaiian island chain have remained a puzzle for generations. (History 2.)
22.11 22:30
45 Min
How the Earth Was Made
The Marianas Trench is the deepest place on earth. Follow a mission into the abyss and explore the geology that has created this deep scar along the ocean floor. (History 2.)
23.11 01:30
45 Min
How the Earth Was Made
The origins of the remote Hawaiian island chain have remained a puzzle for generations. (History 2.)
23.11 04:30
45 Min
How the Earth Was Made
The Marianas Trench is the deepest place on earth. Follow a mission into the abyss and explore the geology that has created this deep scar along the ocean floor. (History 2.)
23.11 07:30
45 Min
How the Earth Was Made
The origins of the remote Hawaiian island chain have remained a puzzle for generations. (History 2.)
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