08.02 04:30
45 Min
How the Earth Was Made
What are the enormous forces that generate catastrophic waves deep on the ocean floor? The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami is estimated to have released the energy of 23,000 atomic bombs. (History 2.)
08.02 04:30
45 Min
Kako je nastala Zemlja
Kakve su to ogromne sile koje stvaraju katastrofalne talase duboko na dnu okeana? Procenjuje se da je cunami u Indijskom okeanu 2004. oslobodio energiju jednaku 23.000 bombi. (History 2)
08.02 10:30
45 Min
Kako je nastala Zemlja
Kakve su to ogromne sile koje stvaraju katastrofalne talase duboko na dnu okeana? Procenjuje se da je cunami u Indijskom okeanu 2004. oslobodio energiju jednaku 23.000 bombi. (History 2)
08.02 10:30
45 Min
How the Earth Was Made
What are the enormous forces that generate catastrophic waves deep on the ocean floor? The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami is estimated to have released the energy of 23,000 atomic bombs. (History 2.)
08.02 16:30
45 Min
Kako je nastala Zemlja
Kakve su to ogromne sile koje stvaraju katastrofalne talase duboko na dnu okeana? Procenjuje se da je cunami u Indijskom okeanu 2004. oslobodio energiju jednaku 23.000 bombi. (History 2)
08.02 16:30
45 Min
How the Earth Was Made
What are the enormous forces that generate catastrophic waves deep on the ocean floor? The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami is estimated to have released the energy of 23,000 atomic bombs. (History 2.)
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