12.01 09:25
25 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku
Godina je 2030. i stari Ted Mozbi priča sinu i ćerki kako je upoznao njihovu majku, a zatim se i oženio njom. Tada prvi put vidimo Teda, Lili i Maršala, Barnija i Robin. (Star Life HD)
12.01 09:25
25 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku, ep. 1. serija
Komedija (STAR Life.)
12.01 09:25
25 Min
How I Met Your Mother
In 2029 Ted Mosby begins telling his kids how he met their mother; in flashback we meet the young Ted, his friend Barney & his roommate Marshall; Marshall proposes to his girlfriend Lily & Ted meets a... (STAR Life HD)
12.01 09:25
25 Min
How I Met Your Mother
In 2029 Ted Mosby begins telling his kids how he met their mother; in flashback we meet the young Ted, his friend Barney & his roommate Marshall; Marshall proposes to his girlfriend Lily & Ted meets a... (STAR Life HD)
12.01 09:50
25 Min
How I Met Your Mother
Ted decides to throw a party and invite Robin, so he can "run into her" in a casual way; when she misses the party he throws another one the next night... and the next. (STAR Life HD)
12.01 09:50
25 Min
How I Met Your Mother
Ted decides to throw a party and invite Robin, so he can "run into her" in a casual way; when she misses the party he throws another one the next night... and the next. (STAR Life HD)
12.01 09:50
25 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku, ep. 2. serija
Komedija (STAR Life.)
12.01 09:50
25 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku
Ted organizuje žurku u nadi da će ponovo videti Robin, ali ona se ne pojavljuje, pa organizuje još jednu žurku, pa još jednu?. (Star Life HD)
12.01 10:15
25 Min
How I Met Your Mother
Barney talks Ted into going to the airport with him to pick up girls; the friends follow two girls to Philadelphia, but get picked up by security because of their suspicious behaviour. (STAR Life HD)
12.01 10:15
25 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku
Barni nagovara Teda da idu na aerodrom da muvaju devojke. Prijatelji prate dve devojke do Filadelfije, ali ih obezbeđenje odvodi zbog sumnjivog ponašanja. (Star Life HD)