15.02 09:50
25 Min
How I Met Your Mother
Ted takes a page from Barney's book, and lives like there's no tomorrow during a legendary St. Patrick's Day celebration; and he gets a post-revelry reality check from Marshall. (STAR Life HD)
15.02 09:50
25 Min
How I Met Your Mother
Ted takes a page from Barney's book, and lives like there's no tomorrow during a legendary St. Patrick's Day celebration; and he gets a post-revelry reality check from Marshall. (STAR Life HD)
15.02 09:50
25 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku 3, ep. 12. serija
Komedija (STAR Life.)
15.02 09:50
25 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku
Ted uzima stranicu iz Barnijeve knjige i provodi praznik Svetog Patrika kao da mu je poslednji dan u životu. Maršal ga suočava sa stvarnošću. (Star Life HD)
15.02 10:15
25 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku
Zanemarujući savete da se ne viđa sa nekim koga svakodnevno sreće, Ted želi da izađe sa prelepom doktorkom Stelom. Stela uporno odbija njegove pozive da izađu. (Star Life HD)
15.02 10:15
25 Min
How I Met Your Mother
Comedy Series - Ep. 13. Ignoring everyone's advice against dating someone you see on a regular basis, Ted pursues his beautiful dermatologist, Stella; while Stella repeatedly turns down Ted's offers... (STAR Life HD)
15.02 10:15
25 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku 3, ep. 13. serija
Komedija (STAR Life.)
15.02 10:15
25 Min
How I Met Your Mother
Comedy Series - Ep. 13. Ignoring everyone's advice against dating someone you see on a regular basis, Ted pursues his beautiful dermatologist, Stella; while Stella repeatedly turns down Ted's offers... (STAR Life HD)
15.02 10:40
30 Min
How I Met Your Mother
Barney tries to track down a mystery female who is warning the women that he is interested in not to sleep with him. He narrows the list down to 64 candidates. (STAR Life HD)
15.02 10:40
30 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku 3, ep. 14. serija
Komedija (STAR Life.)