01.03 11:10
25 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku
Nakon što Barni čuje da je Ted napravio spisak stvari za koje misli da su previše stari, pokušava da uradi sve stvari sa spiska za samo 24 časa da pokaže Tedu da greši. (Star Life HD)
01.03 11:10
25 Min
How I Met Your Mother
When Barney hears that Ted has made a list of things he feels the gang is too old to do, he attempts to complete every task on the list within 24 hours to prove Ted wrong. (STAR Life HD)
01.03 11:10
25 Min
How I Met Your Mother
When Barney hears that Ted has made a list of things he feels the gang is too old to do, he attempts to complete every task on the list within 24 hours to prove Ted wrong. (STAR Life HD)
01.03 11:10
25 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku 4, ep. 19. serija
Komedija (STAR Life.)
01.03 11:35
30 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku
Nakon što Ted ostane bez posla i odluči da osnuje svoju arhitektonsku firmu, angažuje pomoćnika da mu pomogne da stvari krenu sa mrtve tačke. Barniju smeta što su se asistent i Robin previše zbližili. (Star Life HD)
01.03 11:35
30 Min
How I Met Your Mother
Comedy. Ted loses his job and decides to set up his own company in his and Robin's apartment. The progress of the business is slowed by Ted spending time picking stationery. (STAR Life HD)
01.03 11:35
30 Min
How I Met Your Mother
Comedy. Ted loses his job and decides to set up his own company in his and Robin's apartment. The progress of the business is slowed by Ted spending time picking stationery. (STAR Life HD)
01.03 11:35
30 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku 4, ep. 20. serija
Komedija (STAR Life.)
01.03 21:50
30 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku
Nakon što Ted prekrši Barnijevo i Maršalovo pravilo da tri dana ne sme da se javi devojci koju je tek upoznao, momci mu se okrutno svete glumeći da su ta devojka. (Star Life HD)
01.03 21:50
30 Min
How I Met Your Mother
When Ted breaks Barney and Marshall's "three days" rule by having a text relationship with a girl he just met, they play a cruel joke on him by pretending to be her. (STAR Life HD)
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