01.03 21:50
30 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku
Nakon što Ted prekrši Barnijevo i Maršalovo pravilo da tri dana ne sme da se javi devojci koju je tek upoznao, momci mu se okrutno svete glumeći da su ta devojka. (Star Life HD)
01.03 21:50
30 Min
How I Met Your Mother
When Ted breaks Barney and Marshall's "three days" rule by having a text relationship with a girl he just met, they play a cruel joke on him by pretending to be her. (STAR Life HD)
01.03 21:50
30 Min
How I Met Your Mother
When Ted breaks Barney and Marshall's "three days" rule by having a text relationship with a girl he just met, they play a cruel joke on him by pretending to be her. (STAR Life HD)
01.03 21:50
30 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku 4, ep. 21. serija
Komedija (STAR Life.)
01.03 22:00
30 Min
How I Met Your Mother
When Ted breaks Barney and Marshall's "three days" rule by having a text relationship with a girl he just met, they play a cruel joke on him by pretending to be her. (STAR Life HD)
01.03 22:00
30 Min
How I Met Your Mother
When Ted breaks Barney and Marshall's "three days" rule by having a text relationship with a girl he just met, they play a cruel joke on him by pretending to be her. (STAR Life HD)
01.03 22:00
30 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku
Nakon što Ted prekrši Barnijevo i Maršalovo pravilo da tri dana ne sme da se javi devojci koju je tek upoznao, momci mu se okrutno svete glumeći da su ta devojka. (Star Life HD)
01.03 22:00
30 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku 4, ep. 21. serija
Komedija (STAR Life.)
01.03 22:20
30 Min
How I Met Your Mother
After Ted runs into an old flame, he muses about how being in the right place at the right time can impact a person's life; and Barney celebrates his 200th female conquest. (STAR Life HD)
01.03 22:20
30 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku 4, ep. 22. serija
Komedija (STAR Life.)