09.03 22:15
30 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku
Kad Lili i Maršal zaborave da Tedu srede sudar za Dan zaljubljenih, koriste jednu od mnogih devojaka koje je Barni šutnuo da vide da li će ona postati Tedova buduća žena. (Star Life HD)
09.03 22:15
30 Min
How I Met Your Mother
When Lily and Marshall forget to fix up Ted on a blind date for Valentine's Day, they use one of Barney's many discarded girls to see if they will become Ted's future wife. (STAR Life HD)
09.03 22:15
30 Min
How I Met Your Mother
When Lily and Marshall forget to fix up Ted on a blind date for Valentine's Day, they use one of Barney's many discarded girls to see if they will become Ted's future wife. (STAR Life HD)
09.03 22:15
30 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku 5, ep. 15. serija
09.03 22:45
25 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku 5, ep. 16. serija
09.03 22:45
25 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku
Kad ekipa pokuša da ubedi Teda da ga Tifani zavlači, prisećaju se svojih veza u kojim su bili u istoj situaciji. (Star Life HD)
09.03 22:45
25 Min
How I Met Your Mother
When the gang tries to convince Ted that he is being strung along by Tiffany, they reflect about relationships where each of them has been in the same situation. (STAR Life HD)
09.03 22:45
25 Min
How I Met Your Mother
When the gang tries to convince Ted that he is being strung along by Tiffany, they reflect about relationships where each of them has been in the same situation. (STAR Life HD)
09.03 23:10
30 Min
How I Met Your Mother
Still angry and hurt over Barney's insensitivity after their break-up, Robin concocts a plan to bring Barney to his knees; she enlists the help of her beautiful friend Anita.. (STAR Life HD)
09.03 23:10
30 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku
I dalje ljuta i povređena zbog Barnijeve bezosećajnosti posle njihovog raskida, Robin krčka plan da Barnija baci na kolena; zove u pomoć svoju prelepu drugaricu Anitu. (Star Life HD)
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