09.03 23:40
20 Min
How I Met Your Mother
Comedy Series - Episode 18. When Ted ruins Lily's birthday dinner by bringing a date, Lily goes to great lengths to keep her out of the traditional photo she takes every year of the gang. (STAR Life HD)
09.03 23:40
20 Min
How I Met Your Mother
Comedy Series - Episode 18. When Ted ruins Lily's birthday dinner by bringing a date, Lily goes to great lengths to keep her out of the traditional photo she takes every year of the gang. (STAR Life HD)
09.03 23:40
20 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku 5, ep. 18. serija
Komedija (STAR Life.)
09.03 23:40
20 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku
Kad Ted pokvari Lilinu rođendansku večeru dovevši devojku, Lili čini sve da ovu izostavi iz tradicionalne fotografije ekipe koju svake godine snima. (Star Life HD)
10.03 00:00
30 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku
Kad Maršala opljačkaju, Lili odlučuje da nabavi pištolj radi zaštite, pa Maršal smišlja zamršenu priču o pljački kako bi Lili odvratio od toga. (Star Life HD)
10.03 00:00
30 Min
How I Met Your Mother
When Marshall gets mugged, Lily decides she wants to get a gun for protection, so Marshall comes up with a convoluted story about the mugging to deter Lily from following through. (STAR Life HD)
10.03 00:00
30 Min
How I Met Your Mother
When Marshall gets mugged, Lily decides she wants to get a gun for protection, so Marshall comes up with a convoluted story about the mugging to deter Lily from following through. (STAR Life HD)
10.03 00:00
30 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku 5, ep. 19. serija
Komedija (STAR Life.)
10.03 00:30
30 Min
How I Met Your Mother
Ted's mother announces that she's getting married; the stress of his mother's wedding, plus her creepy fiancee, Clint, pushes Ted over the edge and he disappears for 72 hours. (STAR Life HD)
10.03 00:30
30 Min
Kako sam upoznao vašu majku
Tedova majka objavljuje da se udaje; stres oko majčinog venčanja, plus njen jezivi verenik, Klint, guraju Teda preko ivice, te nestaje na 72 sata. (Star Life HD)