13.03 03:35
45 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa
Važna misija Jareda Baldwina i Jonnyja Raynera prekinuta je, Rosco Haining bori se s prirodnim silama, svojim... (Viasat Explore HD)
13.03 03:35
45 Min
Outback Truckers
Jared Baldwin and Jonny Rayner's epic mission grinds to a halt, Rosco Haining battles the elements, his truck and his temper in a world-famous rally, and Turbo gets a visit from the police. (Viasat Explore HD)
13.03 03:35
45 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa 3, ep. 7.
Outback Truckers Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
13.03 04:20
50 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa
Stručnjak za vangabaritne terete Carl Andrews prevozi opasan divovski teret, pokretna učionica Russella McDonougha... (Viasat Explore HD)
13.03 04:20
50 Min
Outback Truckers
Oversize expert Carl Andrews is at the wheel of a highly-charged monster load, Russell McDonough's mobile classroom gets a shake-up in the desert, and Chris and Kaye head into cattle country. (Viasat Explore HD)
13.03 04:20
50 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa 3, ep. 8.
Outback Truckers Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
13.03 05:10
50 Min
Outback Truckers
All hell breaks loose for Turbo, Christian Reynolds racks up massive mileage with a massive load, and Greg and Sonya Wise are under the weather and under pressure. (Viasat Explore HD)
13.03 05:10
50 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa 3, ep. 9.
Outback Truckers Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
13.03 05:10
50 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa
Turbo se suočava s kaosom, Christian Reynolds nabije golemu kilometražu s golemim teretom, a Greg i Sonya Wise... (Viasat Explore HD)
14.03 03:30
50 Min
Outback Truckers
All hell breaks loose for Turbo, Christian Reynolds racks up massive mileage with a massive load, and Greg and Sonya Wise are under the weather and under pressure. (Viasat Explore HD)