18.01 03:30
50 Min
Outback Truckers
Turbo is on the warpath as he takes the biggest gamble of his life, Steve Grahame battles 2000km of dirt, damage and dramas, and Glenn Waters faces disaster at the wheel of a monster load. (Viasat Explore HD)
18.01 03:30
50 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa
Turbo je spreman za akciju preuzevši najveći rizik u svom životu, Steve Grahame bori se s 2000 km zemljane ceste,... (Viasat Explore HD)
18.01 03:30
50 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa 3, ep. 1.
Outback Truckers Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
18.01 04:20
45 Min
Outback Truckers
Matt Adams rides a volatile load of bulls into a world of trouble, Yogi tests his truck and his patience to the limit, and the Stephens Brothers battle the backwoods to rescue millions of angry bees. (Viasat Explore HD)
18.01 04:20
45 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa
Matt Adams nailazi na niz nevolja prevozeći živahan tovar: bikove. (Viasat Explore HD)
18.01 04:20
45 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa 3, ep. 2.
Outback Truckers Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
18.01 05:05
60 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa
Preuzevši tovar koji čine bijesni bikovi, Matt Adams kreće na svoju najtežu vožnju do tada. (Viasat Explore HD)
18.01 05:05
60 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa 3, ep. 3.
Outback Truckers Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
18.01 05:05
60 Min
Outback Truckers
Rustling up a wild load of angry bulls, Matt Adams hits his roughest ride ever - meanwhile, the Stephens Brothers face a tough battle in dense forest to rescue their precious bees. (Viasat Explore HD)
21.01 03:30
50 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa
Preuzevši tovar koji čine bijesni bikovi, Matt Adams kreće na svoju najtežu vožnju do tada. (Viasat Explore SD)
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