08.02 04:15
45 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa 5, ep. 6.
Outback Truckers Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
08.02 04:15
45 Min
Outback Truckers
Flooding on the Tanami Track throws Mark and his team into chaos as they race to deliver a switchroom, and Chris Reynolds drives into unknown territory as he struggles to keep his new company alive. (Viasat Explore HD)
08.02 04:15
45 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa
Poplava na cesti Tanami stvara kaos Marku i njegovu timu koji se žure dopremiti razvodnu centralu, a Chris Reynolds... (Viasat Explore HD)
08.02 05:00
70 Min
Outback Truckers
Steve Grahame takes his new dog Bella on the long road to Alice, and the Nitro Funny Cars team race 3000km across Australia to make it in time for one of their biggest annual events. (Viasat Explore HD)
08.02 05:00
70 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa 5, ep. 7.
Outback Truckers Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
08.02 05:00
70 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa
Steve Grahame vodi novog psa Bellu na dugu vožnju do Alicea, a tim Nitro Funny Carsa jureći prelazi 3000 kilometara... (Viasat Explore HD)
11.02 03:30
50 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa
Steve Grahame vodi novog psa Bellu na dugu vožnju do Alicea, a tim Nitro Funny Carsa jureći prelazi 3000 kilometara... (Viasat Explore HD)
11.02 03:30
50 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa 5, ep. 7.
Outback Truckers Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
11.02 04:20
45 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa 5, ep. 8.
Outback Truckers Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
11.02 04:20
45 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa
Tvrtka za selidbu kuća Mackay obavlja jedan od najvećih poslova dotad, a Steve Grahame kreće na moru od vožnje preko... (Viasat Explore HD)
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