20.10 02:35
50 Min
Outback Truckers
Tipper driver Sharon Collins battles to move a load of copper, Sludge tries to keep a truckful of flammable liquid on the road, and butcher Larry Brewer is on a mission to save his meat from the heat. (Viasat Explore HD)
20.10 02:35
50 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa
Vozačica kipera Sharon Collins muči se kako bi prevezla teret bakra, Sludge nastoji održati na cesti kamion prepun... (Viasat Explore HD)
20.10 02:35
50 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa 3, ep. 12.
Outback Truckers Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
20.10 03:25
45 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa
Turbo iskušava sreću, nabrijani Russell McDonough bori se s pustinjom i kvarovima, a vozač kamiona za prijevoz... (Viasat Explore HD)
20.10 03:25
45 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa 3, ep. 13.
Outback Truckers Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
20.10 03:25
45 Min
Outback Truckers
Turbo pushes his luck, scrapper Russell McDonough duels with the desert and battles breakdowns, and logging trucker Bob Fraser tackles a mountain of timber head on. (Viasat Explore HD)
20.10 04:10
55 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa
U Zapadnom Queenslandu Turbo i najbolji prijatelj James na putu su od Brisbanea do Darwina dugom 4000 kilometara, uz... (Viasat Explore HD)
20.10 04:10
55 Min
Outback Truckers
In Western Queensland, Turbo and best mate James are on a 4000-kilometre trip from Brisbane to Darwin stopping in Charters Towers, but the pick-ups haven't gone smoothly... (Viasat Explore HD)
20.10 04:10
55 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa 4, ep. 2.
Outback Truckers Dokumentarni (Viasat Explore SD)
21.10 14:15
60 Min
Kamiondžije iz australskog zaleđa
Veteran zemljanih putova Dennis Dent sučeljava se s doživotnim neprijateljem, Christian Reynolds suočava se s... (Viasat Explore HD)
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