13.03 11:50
60 Min
Cops Who Kill With Will Mellor
Roger Rogerson S01 E06. Op 20 mei 2014 werd de 20-jarige student Jamie Gao vermoord in Sydney, Australië. (Crime+Investigation)
13.03 12:15
45 Min
Cops Who Kill With Will Mellor
Roger Rogerson ()
13.03 12:15
45 Min
Δολοφόνοι Αστυνομικοί με τον Γουίλ Μέλορ Ε6
DIS0019339917,7389942,5 (Crime + Investigation)
13.03 12:15
45 Min
Cops Who Kill
Will Mellor and a team of experts explore the case of ex-cop Roger Rogerson, who was handed a life sentence in 2016 for the murder of student Jamie Gao. (Crime & Invest.)
13.03 16:15
55 Min
Homicide: Hours to Kill
Fast Food Cold Justice S04 E12. Deze documentaireserie over echte misdaden volgt onderzoekers, terwijl zij de gebeurtenissen in dit kritieke tijdsbestek analyseren. (Crime+Investigation)
13.03 16:45
45 Min
Homicide: Hours To Kill 4
Fast Food Cold Justice ()
13.03 16:45
45 Min
Ώρες Πριν τον Φόνο Κ4 Ε12
DIS0019394191,7069138,11 (Crime + Investigation)
13.03 16:50
50 Min
Hours to Kill - Zeitachse des Todes
Forensische Ostern (Crime + Investigation)
14.03 03:10
45 Min
Hours to Kill - Zeitachse des Todes
Forensische Ostern (Crime + Investigation)
14.03 03:40
40 Min
Righteous kill
Krim, mister (STAR Movies)