10.03 22:25
90 Min
Looks That Kill
A dark romantic comedy based on a concept similar to that of Medusa's story. A teen boy has to deal with the curse of having a pretty face that can be lethal to anyone that looks. (FilmBox Stars)
10.03 22:45
125 Min
Kill Bill: vol. 1
La patru ani după ce a supravieţuit unui glonţ tras în cap, Mireasa se trezeşte din comă şi jură să se răzbune pe fostul ei şef şi redutabila lui echipă de asasini internaţionali. (TV1000)
10.03 22:45
125 Min
Kill Bill: vol. 1
La patru ani dupa ce a supravietuit unui glont tras in cap, Mireasa se trezeste din coma si jura sa se razbune pe fostul ei sef si redutabila lui echipa de asasini internationali. - Sursa: media-press.tv (TV 1000)
10.03 22:45
125 Min
Kill Bill: Vol. 1
A Bride awakens from a four-year coma after she was shot at her wedding rehearsal by a team of killers she was once part of. She embarks on a violent rampage of retribution against her assassins. (TV1000)
10.03 22:45
125 Min
Kill Bill 1
Mladenka se budi iz četverogodišnje kome nakon što joj je ekipa ubojica, kojoj je nekada i sama pripadala, pucala u... (TV1000 Balkan)
10.03 23:00
130 Min
3 Days to Kill
Geheim agent Ethan Runner is ziek en heeft niet lang meer te leven. Zijn laatste levensdagen wil hij rustig met zijn familie doorbrengen. Alles verandert wanneer hij een medicijn aangeboden krijgt. (Viaplay TV)
11.03 03:10
45 Min
Hours to Kill - Zeitachse des Todes
Der ermordete Kapitän (Crime + Investigation)
11.03 04:10
55 Min
An Hour to Kill
In the wake of marriage troubles, Ronda Black goes shopping with husband Keith's friend, Howard Steadman - who confesses a shocking secret. (Crime & Invest.)
11.03 04:10
55 Min
Μια Ώρα Μέχρι να Σκοτώσουν Κ2 Ε15
DIS0019339508,7333370,14 (Crime + Investigation)
11.03 08:30
50 Min
Hours to Kill - Zeitachse des Todes
Gefrorene Leichen (Crime + Investigation)
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