22.02 00:20
10 Min
Kipper, nagy fantáziával megáldott kiskutya a hétköznapi dolgokból varázslatos mesevilágot teremt. A sorozatban az ő és kis barátai, Tigris és Malac kalandjait követhetik nyomon a nézők. (JimJam)
22.02 05:26
11 Min
Kipper VI (12)
Join Leo and his friends as they go on exciting adventures around the world, explore exotic locations and learn fun facts about animals and nature! (Jim Jam)
22.02 05:37
13 Min
Kipper VI (13)
Join Leo and his friends as they go on exciting adventures around the world, explore exotic locations and learn fun facts about animals and nature! (Jim Jam)
22.02 14:00
9 Min
Când este cu prietenii săi, Tigrul şi Porcuşorul. Kipper este plin de umor, tandreţe şi voioşie. (JimJam RO)
22.02 14:00
9 Min
Tiger a plecat la pescuit, dar Kipper nu are nicio undita. Cand acesta gaseste o umbrela, este purtat intr-o aventura pana la luna. - Sursa: media-press.tv (JimJam)
22.02 14:09
10 Min
Tiger a plecat la pescuit, dar Kipper nu are nicio undita. Cand acesta gaseste o umbrela, este purtat intr-o aventura pana la luna. - Sursa: media-press.tv (JimJam)
22.02 14:09
10 Min
Când este cu prietenii săi, Tigrul şi Porcuşorul. Kipper este plin de umor, tandreţe şi voioşie. (JimJam RO)
22.02 14:52
9 Min
Kipper, nagy fantáziával megáldott kiskutya a hétköznapi dolgokból varázslatos mesevilágot teremt. A sorozatban az ő és kis barátai, Tigris és Malac kalandjait követhetik nyomon a nézők. (JimJam (SVT))
22.02 15:00
9 Min
Kipper, Tiger and Jake are having a day on the river. They stop for lunch and tie a knot to tie the boat up, but it comes undone and the boat drifts away. (Jim Jam)
22.02 15:00
9 Min
Kipper (8)
(JimJam (SVT))