18.01 00:00
45 Min
Digging for the Truth
One of the Bible's most sacred treasures, the Ark of the Covenant, has tantalised adventurers for centuries. Can explorer Josh Bernstein discover its fate? (History 2.)
18.01 00:00
45 Min
Kopanje za istinom
Pokušaj da se otkrije Kovčeg zaveta, jedno od najsvetijih Biblijskih blaga. (History 2)
18.01 06:00
45 Min
Kopanje za istinom
Pokušaj da se otkrije Kovčeg zaveta, jedno od najsvetijih Biblijskih blaga. (History 2)
18.01 12:00
45 Min
Digging for the Truth
One of the Bible's most sacred treasures, the Ark of the Covenant, has tantalised adventurers for centuries. Can explorer Josh Bernstein discover its fate? (History 2.)
18.01 12:00
45 Min
Kopanje za istinom
Pokušaj da se otkrije Kovčeg zaveta, jedno od najsvetijih Biblijskih blaga. (History 2)