12.03 06:45
45 Min
Kraljice, ep. 2.
Dokumentarni (Nat Geo Wild.)
12.03 07:30
40 Min
The Congo Forest in Central Africa is home to a secretive animal we still know very little about. Bonobos are one of our closest relatives, but in their society it's females who rule. A young bonobo... ()
12.03 08:15
60 Min
Kraljice koje su promijenile svijet, ep. 2.
Queens That Changed The World Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
12.03 08:15
60 Min
Kraljice koje su promijenile svijet
Dugo smatrane tek popratnim likovima u povijesti kojom su dominirali muškarci, neke su kraljice posjedovale iznimnu moć. (Viasat History HD)
12.03 08:15
60 Min
Queens That Changed the World
Anne was one of the hardest-working monarchs the country had ever seen; she brought about the union of England and Scotland, making her the first Queen of Great Britain. (Viasat History HD)
12.03 08:15
50 Min
Kraljice, ep. 4.
Dokumentarni (Nat Geo Wild.)
12.03 08:55
45 Min
The African Savanna is home to the ultimate animal sisterhood; a family of elephants. A new baby will need the family's support to make it through her early vulnerable months. While mom learns how to... ()
12.03 09:05
50 Min
Kraljice, ep. 2.
Dokumentarni (Nat Geo Wild.)
12.03 09:40
45 Min
The Congo Forest in Central Africa is home to a secretive animal we still know very little about. Bonobos are one of our closest relatives, but in their society it's females who rule. A young bonobo... ()
12.03 12:15
50 Min
Kraljice, ep. 4.
Dokumentarni (Nat Geo Wild.)