13.03 12:30
30 Min
Focus on Europe
The Polish government plans to build three nuclear reactors. Around 90 percent of Poles support going nuclear. +++ The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the Belgian healthcare system hard. (DW English)
13.03 12:30
30 Min
Focus on Europe
13.03 12:30
30 Min
Focus on Europe
Spotlight on People (DW English HD)
13.03 12:30
30 Min
Ματιά στους Ανθρώπους της Ευρώπης
DIS0019526765,1292280039, (Deutsche Welle)
13.03 12:30
30 Min
Focus on Europe
The Polish government plans to build three nuclear reactors. Around 90 percent of Poles support going nuclear. +++ The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the Belgian healthcare system hard. ()
13.03 12:30
30 Min
Focus on Europe
Информационно предаване, Германия, 2025, What drives people in Europe – politically, socially and culturally? How do Europeans lead their lives? What are their views, hopes and fears? (DW)
13.03 12:45
5 Min
DIS0019498051 (France 24 En)
13.03 12:45
5 Min
Информационно предаване, Франция, 2025, Un reportage tourné par les correspondants de France 24 sur un sujet qui fait l'actualité dans leur pays, suivi du décryptage par l'invité. (France 24)
13.03 12:45
5 Min
Un reportage tourné par nos correspondants sur un sujet qui fait l'actualité dans leur pays. Info, vidéos, reportages et analyses : du lundi au vendredi, premičre diffusion ŕ 7h50. ()
13.03 12:46
5 Min
Exclusive reports from France 24 correspondents around the world. (France 24 HD (in English))
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