28.03 08:15
45 Min
Law & Order
Mammon (13th Street)
28.03 09:00
60 Min
Law & Order: Organized Crime
Blaze of Glory--After the task force is caught in a shootout, Stabler is on a mission to find out how the perps are connected to the NYPD. (AFN|spectrum)
28.03 09:00
45 Min
Law & Order
Wahre Helden (13th Street)
28.03 09:45
40 Min
Law & Order
Die blaue Mauer (13th Street)
28.03 10:25
45 Min
Law & Order
Deadline (13th Street)
28.03 11:00
60 Min
Law & Order
Big Brother--Riley's personal and professional lives clash when his brother is connected to a murder investigation; Price takes a chance on a witness who can testify to a hidden motive. (AFN|prime Pacific)
28.03 12:00
60 Min
Law & Order: SVU
Divide & Conquer--A couple have their NYC dinner party interrupted by a brutal home invasion and assault by masked men. (AFN|prime Pacific)
28.03 15:30
60 Min
Law & Order
Des Anwalts dunkle Seele ... (VOXup)
28.03 15:30
60 Min
Law & Order
15 .Staffel, Folge 20. Krimiserie, USA 2005. Des Anwalts dunkle Seele.... (VOXup SD)
28.03 16:30
55 Min
Law & Order
15 .Staffel, Folge 21. Krimiserie, USA 2005. Gefälligkeiten. Mit S. Epatha Merkerson, Dennis Farina, Annie Parisse: Pornostar Samantha Savage wird ermordet in ihrer Wohnung aufgefunden. (VOXup SD)