02.02 11:40
10 Min
Let's Enjoy MATH
Can You Count Them? -Numbers Larger Than 10- (NHK WORLD)
02.02 11:40
10 Min
Let's enjoy Math with Barky the Dog
Numbler comes and distracts a boy trying to count his cows at a farm. Barky helps with the counting by grouping the cows into units of 10. ()
02.02 15:40
10 Min
Let's Enjoy MATH
Can You Count Them? -Numbers Larger Than 10- (NHK WORLD)
02.02 22:40
10 Min
Let's enjoy Math with Barky the Dog
Numbler comes and distracts a boy trying to count his cows at a farm. Barky helps with the counting by grouping the cows into units of 10. ()
02.02 22:40
10 Min
Let's Enjoy MATH
Can You Count Them? -Numbers Larger Than 10- (NHK WORLD)