16.02 04:40
10 Min
Let's Enjoy MATH
What Do You Do with the Remainder? -Divisions- (NHK WORLD)
16.02 11:40
10 Min
Let's Enjoy MATH
What Do You Do with the Remainder? -Divisions- (NHK WORLD)
16.02 15:40
10 Min
Let's Enjoy MATH
What Do You Do with the Remainder? -Divisions- (NHK WORLD)
16.02 22:40
10 Min
Let's Enjoy MATH
What Do You Do with the Remainder? -Divisions- (NHK WORLD)
16.02 22:40
10 Min
Let's enjoy Math with Barky the Dog
How many benches seating 4 are needed for 14 children? Barky steps in to illustrate how to understand divisions and remainders, concluding that 1 more bench is needed. ()