29.09 20:35
50 Min
Lost Treasures of Rome
Hidden Secrets of Pompeii ()
29.09 20:35
50 Min
Χαμένοι Θησαυροί της Ρώμης Κ1 Ε1
DIS0017972846,6902224,0 (National Geographic HD)
29.09 21:00
60 Min
Lost Treasures of Egypt
Reflecting on the Ancient Egyptians, this televisions series "Lost Treasures of Egypt" is a compulsory must-see for history fans and individuals who appreciate 'ancient artefacts'. (Nat Geographic HD)
29.09 21:03
59 Min
Lost Places - Dunkle Geheimnisse
Lost Places - Dunkle Geheimnisse (N24 DOKU)
29.09 21:05
60 Min
Lost Places - Dunkle Geheimnisse
Lost Places - Dunkle Geheimnisse (N24 DOKU)
29.09 21:25
45 Min
Zillion, the Lost Tapes
The kingdom has fallen S01 E04. Deze documentairereeks onthult het ware verhaal van de beruchte Antwerpse discotheek Zillion, met exclusief materiaal uit Frank Verstraetens privé-archief en unieke getuigenissen van insiders. (VTM 2 HD)
29.09 22:15
70 Min
Paris: The Mystery of The Lost Palace
Viasat History ()
29.09 22:15
70 Min
Paris: The Mystery of the Lost Palace
It was Versailles before Versailles, a palace in the heart of Paris with a history spanning 2000 years; how has it been erased from memory and built over by successive government buildings? (Viasat History HD)
29.09 22:15
70 Min
Παρίσι: Το Μυστήριο του Χαμένου Ανακτόρου
DIS0018019644 (Viasat History HD)
29.09 23:00
55 Min
Lost Treasures of Rome
How did Rome rise to dominate so much of the ancient world? Off the coast of Sicily, investigators discover traces of a crucial naval battle. (Nat Geographic HD)
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