04.03 22:30
45 Min
The Hunt for Baltic Gold
Danger awaits amber hunters. Krzysztof's field is flooded and smoke starts blowing from his caravan. Sappers clear the sea floor from unexploded bombs. Dorota begins the certification process for her... (History 2.)
05.03 04:30
45 Min
Lov na baltičko zlato, ep. 5.
Dokumentarni (History 2.)
05.03 10:30
45 Min
The Hunt for Baltic Gold
Danger awaits amber hunters. Krzysztof's field is flooded and smoke starts blowing from his caravan. Sappers clear the sea floor from unexploded bombs. Dorota begins the certification process for her... (History 2.)
05.03 16:30
45 Min
The Hunt for Baltic Gold
Danger awaits amber hunters. Krzysztof's field is flooded and smoke starts blowing from his caravan. Sappers clear the sea floor from unexploded bombs. Dorota begins the certification process for her... (History 2.)
05.03 16:30
45 Min
Lov na baltičko zlato
Opasnost čeka lovce na ćilibar. Kristofovo polje je poplavljeno i dim počinje da izlazi iz njegovog karavana. Sapers čisti morsko dno od neeksplodiranih bombi. (History 2)