02.07 00:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine: Restauratori
Majstor za izradu plakara Alek restaurira zapanjujuću škrinju staru 300 godina pogodnu samo za ogrev. Dru izaziva taksidermistu Krisa da preparira viktorijansku čaplju. (Discovery Channel)
02.07 00:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters: The Restorers
Cabinet maker Alex resurrects a once-stunning 300-year-old chest that's only fit for firewood. And, Drew challenges taxidermist Chris to resuscitate a Victorian heron. (Discovery HD)
02.07 04:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine
U Lankaširu Dru posećuje veliko dvorišno stovarište koje krije ogroman broj jedinstvenih predmeta. Zatim, u jednoj aukcijskoj kući, Dru se suočava i nadmeće sa drugim dilerima. (Discovery Channel)
02.07 04:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters
In Lancashire, Drew visits a sprawling salvage yard that yields a huge haul of unique items. Next, at an auction house, Drew faces off against other dealers in a bidding war. (Discovery HD)
02.07 10:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine
Dru i Ti pretražuju britansku obalu tražeći blago. Tokom svog 450 km dugog putovanja od Severnog Velsa do obale Eseksa, otkrivaju sjajan trostruki umivaonik i obalu punu borova. (Discovery Channel)
02.07 10:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters
Drew and Tee scour the British coastline for treasure. On their 280-mile trek from North Wales to the Essex coast, they uncover a terrific triple sink and a bank of pine drawers. (Discovery HD)
02.07 18:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters: The Restorers
The restoration team transform a shabby set of apothecary drawers. Plus, they refresh a French Victorian seat and save a '60s chandelier that witnessed a Beatles wedding. (Discovery HD)
02.07 23:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters
Drew visits a disused fuel shed on a former air force base in Suffolk, where he discovers vases carved from cow bones and a haunting stone face corbel. (Discovery HD)
03.07 00:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters: The Restorers
Upholsterer Craig is tested to his limit by an Edwardian sofa ruined by an amateur repair job. And, lighting restorer Jolene gets her hands on an original World War II bomber lamp. (Discovery HD)
03.07 04:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters
Drew visits some family-run businesses in Lincolnshire, Norfolk and Grimsby in the hope of finding rare and unusual antiques that have never been put on sale before. (Discovery HD)
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