04.07 18:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters: The Restorers
The artisan restorers save a quirky counter, a 100-piece chandelier and a vintage football table. Plus, a 100-year-old shop counter is rescued from a bonfire. (Discovery HD)
04.07 18:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine: Restauratori
Zanatlije restauratori spašavaju neobičan pult, luster od 100 komada i starinski fudbalski sto, a šalter prodavnice star 100 godina spašen je iz požara. (Discovery Channel)
04.07 20:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters
Drew heads to a Kent antiques emporium specialising in unusual European antiques, and indulges in 1940s nostalgia at a home front museum in South West Wales. (Discovery HD)
04.07 20:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine
Dru odlazi u Kent u veletrgovimu antikvitetima specijalizovanu za neuobičajene evropske antikvitete i prepušta se nostalgiji iz 1940-ih u kući muzeju u jugozapadnom Velsu. (Discovery Channel)
04.07 21:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters: Classic Cars
The boys find a Morris Traveller at the largest private car collection in the UK. And, in Surrey they spot a rare but affordable Maserati. (Discovery HD)
04.07 21:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine: Klasični.
Momci pronalaze Moris Traveler na najvećoj privatnoj kolekciji automobila u Velikoj Britaniji. A u Sariju su primetili redak ali pristupačan Maserati. (Discovery Channel)
05.07 00:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine: Restauratori
Skulptor Nik mora da bude vrlo oprezan dok bušilicom obnavlja urnu iz 19. veka. Dru izaziva stručnjaka za osvetljenje Džolen da popravi izložbeni prostor. (Discovery Channel)
05.07 00:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters: The Restorers
Fine art sculptor Nick must be extra careful as he uses a drill to restore a 19th Century urn. And, lighting specialist Jolene is challenged by Drew to repair a funfair display. (Discovery HD)
05.07 02:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters
Drew heads to a Kent antiques emporium specialising in unusual European antiques, and indulges in 1940s nostalgia at a home front museum in South West Wales. (Discovery HD)
05.07 02:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine
Dru odlazi u Kent u veletrgovimu antikvitetima specijalizovanu za neuobičajene evropske antikvitete i prepušta se nostalgiji iz 1940-ih u kući muzeju u jugozapadnom Velsu. (Discovery Channel)
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