25.11 19:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters: Classic Cars
Paul has paid just over Ł15,000 for an Alfa Romeo 2000 GTV that appears to be in great shape. However, Drew is horrified when he learns it's an automatic. (Discovery HD)
25.11 19:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine: Klasični.
Pol je platio nešto više od 15.000 funti za Alfa Romeo 2000 GTV koji je izgleda u odličnoj formi. Međutim, Dru je užasnut kada sazna da je automatik. (Discovery Channel)
26.11 00:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine
Dru obilazi trgovca šipkom u Mančesteru, cenka se sa upravnikom vetrenjače u Kentu i otkupljuje predmete u opatiji Somerset. I seli prodavnicu nakon 10 godina na jednom mestu. (Discovery Channel)
26.11 00:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters
Drew visits a hip dealer in Manchester, haggles with a windmill manager in Kent and seeks artefact redemption at a Somerset abbey. Plus, he moves shop after 10 years in one place. (Discovery HD)
26.11 01:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine
Dru je pronašao Hristovovo raspeće na čeličnom krstu i primetio božanstvenu gotičku crkvenu klupu iz ranog 19. veka. On zatim pronalazi set industrijskih visećih lampi iz 1950-ih. (Discovery Channel)
26.11 01:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters
Drew unearths a steel corpus of Christ on the cross, and spots a divine early 19th century gothic pew. Later, he finds a set of 1950s industrial pendant lamps. (Discovery HD)
26.11 05:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine
U centru za antikvitete u Glosterširu, Dru nalazi dragoceni predmet koji drugi antikvari nisu primetili. Kasnije, on otkriva izgubljena blaga na imanju u Kentu. (Discovery Channel)
26.11 05:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters
At an antiques centre in Gloucestershire, Drew finds a valuable item overlooked by the rest of the trade. Later, he digs out lost treasures on a Kent country estate. (Discovery HD)
26.11 09:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine
Dru traži stvari koje se ističu da bi privukao više kupaca u svoju radnju. U Derbiširu pronalazi okvir slike u Ridžensi stilu i kupuje par danskih ratan stolica u Harogejtu. (Discovery Channel)
26.11 09:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters
Drew seeks standout items to lure more customers to his shop. In Derbyshire, he finds a Regency picture frame, and buys a pair of Danish rattan chairs in Harrogate. (Discovery HD)
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