31.01 00:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine
Dru ide da vidi neverovatnu kolekciju predmeta pletenih od pruća u ravnicama Samerseta i očaran je pletenom Orkni stolicom. U Glasgovu pronalazi štafelaj koji je umetničko delo. (Discovery Channel)
31.01 00:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters
Drew visits an amazing collection of wicker in the Somerset levels and is smitten by an Orkney chair. In Glasgow, he finds an easel that's a work of art. (Discovery HD)
31.01 01:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters
Drew and Tee are the first to view a collection in Boreham Wood. Everything is up for sale, including a carved stone saint and marble fireplace supports. (Discovery HD)
31.01 01:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine
Savremeni lovac na blago Dru Pričard putuje duž Velike Britanije u potrazi za čudnim i divnim predmetima. Što je veća ostava, to je srećniji. (Discovery Channel)
31.01 05:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine
U Kotsvoldsu, Dru razgleda impresivnu vlastelinsku kuću. Zatim posećuje preuređenu kapelu u Burnliju prepunu neverovatnih antikviteta i salon automobila u Džersiju. (Discovery Channel)
31.01 05:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters
In the Cotswolds, Drew looks around an impressive manor house. Then, he visits a converted chapel in Burnley filled with incredible antiques and a car show room in Jersey. (Discovery HD)
31.01 09:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters
Drew is thrilled to look through an oddball collection of military antiques in Nantes, France. Plus, he takes an interest in a de Sede sofa bed in the Netherlands. (Discovery HD)
31.01 09:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine
Dru je oduševljen gledajući neobičnu kolekciju vojnih starina u Nantu u Francuskoj. Pored toga, zanima se za sofu de Sede u Holandiji. (Discovery Channel)
31.01 11:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine
Dru i Ti su na putovanju kroz Škotsku niziju. Njihova prva stanica je zamak Bajtl, gde jedna stavka primorava Drua da plati 100 funti više od tražene cene. (Discovery Channel)
31.01 11:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters
Drew and Tee are on a trip through the Scottish Lowlands. Their first stop is Buittle Castle, where one item compels Drew to pay Ł100 more than the asking price. (Discovery HD)