15.03 00:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters
Drew is in Cheshire to scour a barn packed with items, from traditional antique furniture to taxidermy. And in Sheffield, he uncovers a collection of early 20th century glass eyes. (Discovery HD)
15.03 00:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine
Savremeni lovac na blago Dru Pričard putuje Ujedinjenim Kraljevstvom uzduž i popreko u potrazi za neobičnim i divnim predmetima. Što su zalihe veće, to je on srećniji. (Discovery Channel)
15.03 01:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine
Savremeni lovac na blago Dru Pričard putuje uzduž i popreko Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva u potrazi za neobičnim i divnim predmetima. Što je veća gomila, on je srećniji. (Discovery Channel)
15.03 01:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters
A Chipping Norton barbershop hides an incredible antiques emporium. In an Anglesey salt factory, Drew and Tee discover an unusual bread and cheese cupboard. (Discovery HD)
15.03 03:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine
Dru i Viki kreću ka lokacijama sa više usluga na jednom mestu. Ugrabili su neke Ford Madok Braun stolice i fotelju sa viktorijanskog okeanskog broda. (Discovery Channel)
15.03 03:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters
Drew and Viki head for one-stop-shop locations. They snap up some Ford Maddox Brown chairs and a recliner from a Victorian ocean liner. (Discovery HD)
15.03 05:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine
Savremeni lovac na blago Dru Pričard putuje uzduž i popreko Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva u potrazi za neobičnim i divnim predmetima. Što je veća gomila, on je srećniji. (Discovery Channel)
15.03 05:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters
Modern day treasure hunter Drew Pritchard travels the length and breadth of the UK in search of weird and wonderful objects. The bigger the hoard, the happier he is. (Discovery HD)
15.03 13:00
60 Min
Salvage Hunters: The Restorers
Sculptor Nick attempts the restoration of a rare piece of folk history. Meanwhile, leather restorer Martin is brought a globe-trotting antique luxury French travelling trunk. (Discovery HD)
15.03 13:00
60 Min
Lovac na starine: Restauratori
Vajar Nik pokušava da obnovi retki deo narodne istorije. U međuvremenu, restauratoru kože Martinu donose starinski luksuzni francuski putni kovčeg. (Discovery Channel)
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