08.01 02:40
55 Min
Gem Hunters Down Under
Todd and Brianna battle back-breaking work, gear failure, heat and dust; how will they juggle family life and grow their tiny sapphire business? (Viasat Explore HD)
08.01 11:15
60 Min
Gem Hunters Down Under
Todd and Brianna battle back-breaking work, gear failure, heat and dust; how will they juggle family life and grow their tiny sapphire business? (Viasat Explore HD)
08.01 17:05
65 Min
Gem Hunters Down Under
After a hundred years of constant digging, fresh ground is rare in the Gemfields; Rowan Richardson drags an old drilling rig out to test a new claim, but he digs up a lot more than he bargained for! (Viasat Explore HD)
09.01 02:40
55 Min
Gem Hunters Down Under
After a hundred years of constant digging, fresh ground is rare in the Gemfields; Rowan Richardson drags an old drilling rig out to test a new claim, but he digs up a lot more than he bargained for! (Viasat Explore HD)
09.01 11:10
65 Min
Gem Hunters Down Under
After a hundred years of constant digging, fresh ground is rare in the Gemfields; Rowan Richardson drags an old drilling rig out to test a new claim, but he digs up a lot more than he bargained for! (Viasat Explore HD)
09.01 11:10
65 Min
Lovci na drago kamenje
Nakon sto godina stalnog kopanja, sveža zemlja je retka pojava. Rovan Ričardson izvlači staru opremu za bušenje kako bi testirao novu teoriju i iskopa mnogo više nego što je očekivao. (Viasat Explore)
09.01 17:05
65 Min
Gem Hunters Down Under
It's tough running a sapphire mine, and the Mifsuds are learning that the hard way; Ray and Paul use their 40-tonne drilling rig to punch a hole down to meet up with some old tunnels. (Viasat Explore HD)
09.01 17:05
65 Min
Lovci na drago kamenje
Teško je voditi rudnik safira, a Mifsudovi to uče na teži način; Rej i Pol koriste svoju opremu za bušenje od 40 tona da probuše rupu pronađu neke stare tunele. (Viasat Explore)
10.01 03:00
55 Min
Lovci na drago kamenje
Teško je voditi rudnik safira, a Mifsudovi to uče na teži način; Rej i Pol koriste svoju opremu za bušenje od 40 tona da probuše rupu pronađu neke stare tunele. (Viasat Explore)
10.01 11:10
65 Min
Lovci na drago kamenje
Teško je voditi rudnik safira, a Mifsudovi to uče na teži način; Rej i Pol koriste svoju opremu za bušenje od 40 tona da probuše rupu pronađu neke stare tunele. (Viasat Explore)