05.03 17:05
65 Min
Gem Hunters Down Under
The Old Timers have bought a new claim sight unseen, the Apprentices try to connect a mine shaft to their underground drive, and the Kids strike an agreement with their neighbour, but will it pay off? (Viasat Explore HD)
06.03 02:40
50 Min
Gem Hunters Down Under
The Old Timers have bought a new claim sight unseen, the Apprentices try to connect a mine shaft to their underground drive, and the Kids strike an agreement with their neighbour, but will it pay off? (Viasat Explore HD)
06.03 11:15
65 Min
Gem Hunters Down Under
The Old Timers have bought a new claim sight unseen, the Apprentices try to connect a mine shaft to their underground drive, and the Kids strike an agreement with their neighbour, but will it pay off? (Viasat Explore HD)
06.03 11:15
65 Min
Lovci na drago kamenje
Old Tajmeri ??su kupili novu robu na neviđeno. Šegrti pokušavaju da povežu rudarsko okno sa svojim podzemnim pogonom. Klinci sklapaju sporazum sa komšijom, ali da li će im se to isplatiti? (Viasat History)
06.03 17:10
60 Min
Gem Hunters Down Under
The Bushies are back and hope for a change of luck, the Richardsons return to an old claim to see if it's worth reopening, and Todd and Brianna divide and conquer to keep their business ticking over. (Viasat Explore HD)
06.03 17:10
60 Min
Lovci na drago kamenje
Bušiji su se vratili i nadaju se boljoj sreći. Tod i Brijana se dele i nadaju da će im posao ići dobro. (Viasat Explore)
07.03 02:40
55 Min
Lovci na drago kamenje
Bušiji su se vratili i nadaju se boljoj sreći. Tod i Brijana se dele i nadaju da će im posao ići dobro. (Viasat History)
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