14.03 02:40
50 Min
Gem Hunters Down Under
Old Timers Ray and Paul return to where they removed a massive boulder to see if it's hiding gems, and Anthony and Jodie are back at the Gemfields with renewed vigour and their families. (Viasat Explore HD)
14.03 11:20
65 Min
Gem Hunters Down Under
Old Timers Ray and Paul return to where they removed a massive boulder to see if it's hiding gems, and Anthony and Jodie are back at the Gemfields with renewed vigour and their families. (Viasat Explore HD)
14.03 11:20
65 Min
Lovci na drago kamenje
Old Tajmeri ??Rej i Pol se vraćaju tamo gde su uklonili ogromnu stenu da vide da li krije dragulje, a Entoni i Džodi se vraćaju u Gemfilds sa novom snagom i svojim porodicama. (Viasat Explore)
14.03 17:10
60 Min
Gem Hunters Down Under
Never one to miss an opportunity, Ray has snapped up another claim and his plan is to drill a test hole if his drill rig works - meanwhile, Nigel and Rosa Monteith are recent gemfield arrivals. (Viasat Explore HD)
14.03 17:10
60 Min
Lovci na drago kamenje
Nikada ne propušta priliku - Rej je dobio još jednu šansu i njegov plan je da izbuši probnu rupu ukoliko njegova bušilica proradi. (Viasat Explore)
15.03 02:40
55 Min
Gem Hunters Down Under
Never one to miss an opportunity, Ray has snapped up another claim and his plan is to drill a test hole if his drill rig works - meanwhile, Nigel and Rosa Monteith are recent gemfield arrivals. (Viasat Explore HD)
15.03 02:40
55 Min
Lovci na drago kamenje
Nikada ne propušta priliku - Rej je dobio još jednu šansu i njegov plan je da izbuši probnu rupu ukoliko njegova bušilica proradi. (Viasat History)
18.03 22:50
60 Min
Gem Hunters Down Under
Výstrahu "Připoutejte se, prosím!" nechtějí během letu pasažéři moc slyšet. V této epizodě uvidíte záběry, které ukaz... (Viasat Explore HD)
20.03 03:30
50 Min
Gem Hunters Down Under
Farmáři se potýkají s jedním z nejhorších such v Austrálii. Brendan Farrell dá dohromady 19 svých kamarádů, aby mu po... (Viasat Explore HD)