08.01 03:00
60 Min
Outback Opal Hunters
In the wake of Government shutdowns, The Bushmen are forced back into their deadly mine. Dan and Renee's impatience could cost them their lives. (Discovery HD)
08.01 03:00
60 Min
Lovci na opal
Nakon zatvaranja vlade, Bušmani su primorani da se vrate u svoj smrtonosni rudnik. Denovo i Reneino nestrpljenje bi moglo da ih košta života. (Discovery Channel)
09.01 15:00
60 Min
Outback Opal Hunters
Slim Pickings' efforts to recycle precious dam water are derailed. The Blacklighters scrounge for any last opal in their Land of Promise Claim. (Discovery HD)
09.01 15:00
60 Min
Lovci na opal
Napori Slim Pikingsa da reciklira dragocenu vodu iz brane pošli su po zlu. Bleklajtersi traže bilo koji poslednji opal u svojoj Obećanoj zemlji. (Discovery Channel)