28.02 18:45
15 Min
Marketplace Africa
(Ep 584/s2025) Business, United States, 2025. (CNN International)
28.02 18:45
15 Min
Marketplace Africa
E-waste recyclers say the growing industry also tackles the problem of high unemployment across South Africa; Haskè Ventures' co-founder speaks about the sectors she sees ripe for growth. ()
28.02 18:45
15 Min
Marketplace Africa
Informativni (CNN.)
28.02 18:45
15 Min
Marketplace Africa
Икономика, САЩ, 2025, E-waste recyclers say the growing industry also tackles the problem of high unemployment across South Africa; Haskè Ventures' co-founder speaks about the sectors she sees ripe for growth. (CNN)
28.02 18:45
15 Min
CNN Marketplace Africa
28.02 18:45
15 Min
Marketplace Africa (584)
South Africa E-waste Opportunities; Madji Sock (CNN)
28.02 18:45
15 Min
CNN Marketplace Africa
E-waste recyclers say the growing industry also tackles the problem of high unemployment across South Africa; Haskè Ventures' co-founder speaks about the sectors she sees ripe for growth. (CNN)
28.02 18:45
15 Min
CNN Αφρικανική Αγορά
DIS0019518119 (CNN)
01.03 18:45
15 Min
Marketplace Africa
Informativni (CNN.)
01.03 18:45
15 Min
CNN Marketplace Africa