28.02 18:45
15 Min
CNN Marketplace Africa
28.02 18:45
15 Min
CNN Marketplace Africa
E-waste recyclers say the growing industry also tackles the problem of high unemployment across South Africa; Haskè Ventures' co-founder speaks about the sectors she sees ripe for growth. (CNN)
28.02 18:45
15 Min
CNN Αφρικανική Αγορά
DIS0019381343 (CNN)
28.02 18:45
15 Min
Marketplace Africa
Informativni (CNN.)
28.02 18:45
15 Min
Marketplace Africa (584)
South Africa E-waste Opportunities; Madji Sock (CNN)
28.02 18:45
15 Min
Marketplace Africa
Икономика, САЩ, 2025, E-waste recyclers say the growing industry also tackles the problem of high unemployment across South Africa; Haskè Ventures' co-founder speaks about the sectors she sees ripe for growth. (CNN)
01.03 18:30
15 Min
CNN Αγορά της Μέσης Ανατολής
DIS0019502435 (CNN)
01.03 18:30
15 Min
Marketplace Middle East
Informativni (CNN.)
01.03 18:30
15 Min
Marketplace Middle East
Business show revolves around cutting edge economic trends and latest business developments in the Middle East. The focus is on the key cities of the region, its most important sectors and industries. ()
01.03 18:30
15 Min
Marketplace Middle East
Икономика, САЩ, 2025, Business show revolves around cutting edge economic trends and latest business developments in the Middle East. (CNN)